Missionary News

Banbury Ward Mission Plan: “Love, Share, Invite”

Banbury Ward Missionary Goals

Monthly Missionary Ideas for Members for July:

* Pray specifically for a missionary experience in your morning prayers.  Keep the prayer in your heart throughout the day and act.

* Go on visits with the missionaries.

* Invite a part-member family to your home.

* With a non-member friend, share a time when you and/or your family have been blessed by the Lord.

Message from a Missionary Serving from the Banbury Ward:

One spiritual experience that I have had on my mission, is that I have been able to see God's work progressing through imperfect people.  Every day, as I try and open my mouth and speak the words that He would have say, I am filled with love and empathy for the people that I am talking to.  I am able to say things in Japanese that I didn't even know that I learned.  I am able to understand what others are saying and have spiritual conversations with them.  I am also able to see the growth. Whether that's my growth as a person, or my friends’ growth as they learn that they are sons and daughters of God, it is my favorite part of the mission experience. 

I am so grateful that I decided to serve a mission. The mission is one of the hardest but most rewarding times of your life. I know that God loves everyone. I know that Jesus Christ died for us. As we focus on God's love for us, things just make sense. God is always in the details. 

-Elder Jared Thompson