Banbury Ward of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Message from the Bishopric

Banbury Ward 

In 2nd Nephi chapter 32 we are told to "pray always and not faint." Alma 34 encourages us to pray about all the aspects of our daily lives. Personal prayer has always been a great source of guidance for me. As I've spent time considering why this is, many answers came to mind. It is interesting to consider that our Heavenly Father wants us to pray to him, which requires us to humble ourselves and seek input outside of ourselves.

When making a decision, or dealing with a frustrating or challenging situation, seeking outside input is often key to finding help. When we ask a close friend or family member to look at a situation for us, a good source of advice would step back and consider all sides of the equation and make sure they are understanding what is really happening. That process often changes the way we see a problem. This is the same reason why great leaders and decision makers are good at inviting the involved parties to weigh in and help fully evaluate a situation before reaching a conclusion. 

If I take a frustration or challenge to God in prayer, I often find myself pondering (during the prayer) whether I am asking a reasonable thing or presenting the full picture? Obviously, God can see the full picture and understand all aspects of an issue. It is a moment of self reflection that is required if I am going to ask God to give me guidance or tell me if I am right or wrong to pursue a certain course of action. Sometimes just the process of bringing an issue to God, and asking myself if I have fully considered how he would see it, opens my eyes to perspective I didn't have and changes my assessment of the problem. I think this is one of the ways the spirit can reach us and enlighten our thinking. 

Prayer is about seeking God's perspective. A heartfelt, sincere prayer offers us all a great opportunity for humility, self reflection, honesty, and guidance. I invite you to bring the deepest desires, fears, and concerns in your heart to God in prayer. Bare your soul to Him. Be humble and honest about your fears and frustrations. Invite Him to help you see his perspective. It will help you.

Spencer Miller

Banbury Ward Bishopric


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