Relief Society

Relief Society Sunday meetings are held at 11:30am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the Relief Society room.

Our next Relief Society Meeting will be Sunday, January 12th, and we will be discussing the talk O Youth of the Noble Birthright by Brad Wilcox, from this conference and Debra Bliss will be teaching. Additionally, the young women will be joining us.

Before our lesson, we will counsel together What motivates you to work on Family History? How can we help you be more engaged?


Relief Society Special Interest Groups: Please email if you are interested in participating in any of our special interest groups. We are considering the following: Biking (summer activity), Book Club, Conference Talk Study Group, Crafting, Cultural Events, Dinner Potluck + Games, Emergency Preparedness, Family History, Hiking (summer activity), Lunch Bunch, Quilting, Service, Walking. If you have additional ideas, email those too. We are going to get some groups going, please let us know your interests so that you can be included in the groups and get to know your sisters!

Announcements and Reminders:

Stake Relief Society Volleyball Saturday’s from 7:30am - 10:30am at the Stake Center

Church Magazine Subscriptions Now Available Worldwide at No Cost. Any household in most parts of the world may sign up for the ‘Liahona,’ ‘For the Strength of Youth’ and the ‘Friend’ global magazines. An adult member of a household may manage subscriptions at Simply sign in using a Church account.


Our day to feed the missionaries is on Fridays. There are a couple of options available.

Please reach out to our Ward Missionary Leader, Daniel Michalsky if interested, and for further details and options.

January Birthdays
