Banbury Ward of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Message from the Bishopric

Dear Banbury Ward,

Recently someone asked me to tell them about a time I had failed and how I responded to that failure. It was a thought-provoking question, but I'm not sure I gave a great answer in the moment.

In a final sermon to a few faithful members of the church as the Nephite civilization was nearing utter failure, Mormon declared: "if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him."

As I reflect on my own failures in life, I am comforted by these three truths:

1. All things must fail.

2. Charity is the pure love Christ, and His love never fails.

3. It will be well with those who possess the pure love of Christ.

When you are reeling from failure, I hope you will be comforted by these three great truths. Failure is part of our mortal experience. But repentance and improvement through the grace and mercy of Christ is available to all of us today. He will run to us with His love immediately when we look unto him, especially in our failures. I invite you to seek Jesus and His pure, never-failing love. He will not leave you comfortless. He will not fail you.


Bro. Bliss 


FAMILYSEARCH CENTER: Our local FamilySearch Center has  new, high-tech book scanner that can quickly digitize documents and combine them into single PDF files. It is well-suited for handwritten journals and utilizes a laser to scan a book page in two seconds. This scanner will “flatten” the digital images and won’t damage the book’s binding. Bring your family's books, journals, and documents to the center at 11443 McMillan Rd., Boise or see MERIDIANIDAHOEASTFSC.COM for more information. (Flyer is attached.)

JUNE TEMPLE & FAMILY HISTORY INVITATION:  Children: Tell your parents a story about an important event in your life. Ask them to record it in your words so you can read it in the future. Youth & Adults: Reflect on the most significant or enjoyable experiences in your life. Record an experience. What did you learn? How did it bless or challenge you? See "My Voice, My Experiences" at

Summer Institute Classes

The resources from the "Planning for Life" firesides are available here:

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