Banbury Ward of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Message from the Bishopric

Dear Banbury Ward,

Years ago, when my oldest children were still pretty young, I had an autumn Saturday full of yard work.  Ben was really young, not quite 3 years old.  Spencer had just turned five, and Sarah was six and a half. I told all of them at breakfast that I would pay them for their work with me that day.  They didn't really know what that meant, but we headed out full of vim and vigor for the day.

Sarah and Spencer were more capable workers, because they were older and bigger, but they didn't last very long.  Little Ben, though, stuck by my side the entire day.  I encouraged the older two to come rejoin us, but they found one excuse or another to either not come back out or to slip away again.

That evening at dinner, I told them I had calculated their wages, and I paid Sarah and Spencer fifty cents.  I made a big deal of it, one quarter at a time, thanking them for their work that day. Then I pulled out five dollar bills and gave them all, one at a time, to two year old Ben.  Protests erupted!  "That's not fair!" and "He's younger than we are" were met with a question.  "Who worked with me all day long?"  Then I reminded them of what I had told them at breakfast, that I would pay them for the work they gave me that day.  (I'm happy to report they have since learned the value of hard work).

President Russell M Nelson has said "The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can’t come without it."  According to Preach My Gospel, “Diligence is steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord’s work.”

I really loved the inspiring mantra that Sis. Emily Bird shared in our Stake Conference this past weekend.  When confronted with a temptation to shirk or shrink, when you're worn down, ready to disengage from the hard work of becoming more like the Savior, when you ask "What should I do?" her answer was "Do the next right thing!"

From D&C 56:2, 28 - Blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven... And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

I hope the messages of the past two weekends' conferences have stirred you, as they have me, to "do a little better and be a little better" (Pres. Nelson).  If so, and if you are wondering how, join me in pondering this question: "What's the next right thing?"  Is it concerning your family, your ministering, your personal worship (prayers, scripture study and temple attendance), or repairing a relationship? Is it settling in your heart some doubts about prophets, tithing, etc.?  Whatever it might be, I'm certain you'll feel spiritual promptings, nudging you to put effort towards the next right thing.  Then, do it!  I promise you'll be happier and gain rewards that come in no other way when you do the next right thing!


Bishop Price


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