Banbury Ward of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Message from the Bishopric

I like the order of Thanksgiving and Christmas. In November we have a time for extra gratitude. A time to think of and appreciate the many wonderful things we have been given. This is followed by Christmas...a season of giving. It's early December, and this is the perfect time to take stock of our lives and consider where we might be able to give a little more. 

As I ponder giving, I find myself realizing that many of the most valuable things we can give are not those that get the most attention around Christmas time. I certainly feel there is great value in contributing money, clothes, food, and toys to those that struggle to meet their basic needs. These gifts lift spirits and give a boost to many who truly need it. However, when I think about the greatest gifts I've been given in my life, none of them focus on the items listed above. I think about love from those dearest to me. Loyalty and kindness from friends and co-workers. Mentorship and guidance from great leaders, teachers, parents, and grandparents. Forgiveness and understanding from those I have wronged. Patience from those that know my weaknesses best. A sense of safety and community from neighbors and acquaintances. Bolstering of faith from religious leaders and wonderful followers of Christ. 

This leaves me wondering if I sometimes miss the best opportunities that I might have to give. I have had opportunities to mentor, and I should remember how much value that had in my own life. I can be a better friend and neighbor. I can share more love through acts and words. I can more readily forgive and forget perceived or experienced wrongs. I can give strangers more understanding and benefit of the doubt. I can better appreciate children and youth for their wonderful potential and show more appreciation for the lessons they are still working to learn. 

Of course Christmas is the celebration of the Savior of the world. Perhaps the greatest question of the season is what can we give the Lord? He certainly doesn't need our material things (though I'm sure he appreciates us sharing them with his children in need). In many places in the scriptures (2nd Nephi 9:20 for one) we are told one of the things we can give or "offer" to the Lord: "And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit." We can truly appreciate the power and beauty of the plan of salvation with the Atonement at its center. This brings a sense of humility and deep gratitude for the opportunity to be clean and grow to be more than we are are on our own. We can follow one of the greatest verses in song which says "here's my heart, Oh, take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above." We can give him our will and more fully commit ourselves to him.

If there is one thing that is clear in living the gospel, it is that most of the greatest gains come from giving, serving, and sharing. Losing one's self. I invite you as individuals and families to take a moment to consider what you have to give. Look for the opportunities around you. Go the extra mile. Take the extra moment. Express your feelings of appreciate and admiration. I am sure that you are sometimes giving more than you realize with these actions. 

May you enjoy the richness of this wonderful season.

Spencer Miller

Banbury Ward Bishopric


1. Monday morning (12/16) 9:00 am-Noon (3 hour shift) Please arrive at the front doors at 8:45 am

2. Tuesday-Friday  (12/17-12/20) 9:45 pm-Midnight (2.25 hour shift) Please arrive at the front doors at 9:30 pm

3. To help with this assignment, you need to be endowed and you need to bring your temple recommend

4. Once you enter the temple, someone at the recommend desk will direct you 

5. You should arrive with "Church Dress", and clean and comfortable shoes.You will change into white scrubs, and you can wear white shoe coverings while you clean.

6. There will be a prayer meeting before you start to clean, which will include all the necessary instructions and assignments.

December 17 - Relief Society Christmas Dinner & Ornament Exchange - 6:30pm at Marcie Crawford's home


FAMILYSEARCH CENTER: Our local FamilySearch Center has  new, high-tech book scanner that can quickly digitize documents and combine them into single PDF files. It is well-suited for handwritten journals and utilizes a laser to scan a book page in two seconds. This scanner will “flatten” the digital images and won’t damage the book’s binding. Bring your family's books, journals, and documents to the center at 11443 McMillan Rd., Boise or see MERIDIANIDAHOEASTFSC.COM for more information.

The resources from the "Planning for Life" firesides are available here:

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