Banbury Ward of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Message from the Bishopric

Dear Banbury Ward,

Luke 15 tells of parables of loss.  A man with 100 sheep who has lost one.  A woman with 10 pieces of silver, who has lost one.

The Savior starts each parable with a question, not to just any man or woman, but to you:  "What man of you...?" and "Either what woman?"

The man (remember, this is you) leaves the other ninety and nine in the wilderness (in the wilderness!) and searches until he finds the lost sheep, lays it on his shoulders, and brings it home rejoicing.  The woman (again, this is you) lights a candle, sweeps the house and seeks diligently until she finds it.

The final parable in Luke 15 is not of sheep or silver, but of a father who has only two (not 100 or 10) sons and loses one. He waits every day, watching for his son's return, and runs to him when he sees his son, still a great way off.

In all instances, when that which was lost is found, the searcher/seeker/parent gathers the neighbors and says "Rejoice with me, for I have found that which was lost".

Then the Savior says "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."

Not only the angels, but the Savior rejoices, saying of Himself in D&C 18 "And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!"

He continues: "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!"

Let us search diligently for those precious souls, lost for a time, that we might bring them home rejoicing.  Even if we labor our whole life and bring but one soul, God and His angels and all who know them will rejoice!  If perhaps you are the one who feels lost, there is not only a way home, but know that you have an entire ward family waiting to welcome you and rejoice with you.  You might feel, as the son, still a great way off.  We are watching for you, and when we see you coming back will say to each other "Rejoice with me, for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found".


Bishop Price


Please take a moment to look over the 2025 Banbury Ward Temple and Family History Plan.  The promises made by the prophets relative to temple worship and family history service are astounding.  We invite you to take some time to reflect on what you can do this year to make your temple worship a richer experience and to grow your family's ancestral tree.


The resources from the "Planning for Life" firesides are available here:

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